Artigos e Congressos


Bullying and Cyberbullying Behaviors Questionnaire: Validation of a short form
2018 | International Journal of School & Educational Psychology

Differential Effectiveness of a Middle School Social and Emotional Learning Program: Does Setting Matter?
2018 | Journal of Youth and Adolescence 

Trajectories of Social and Emotional Competencies according to Cyberbullying Roles: A Longitudinal Multilevel Analysis
2018 |  Journal of Youth and Adolescence

The relation between social anxiety, social withdrawal and (cyber)bullying roles: A multilevel analysis 
2018 | Computers in Human Behavior

Positive Transition to Middle School: A Multilevel Model Analysis of a Portuguese School Adjustment Program 
2018 | Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions

The Impact of Secondary School Transition on Self-Concept and Self-Esteem 
2017 | Revista de Psicodidáctica

A Review of the Provision of Social and Emotional Learning in Australia, the United States, Poland, and Portugal 
2017 | Journal of Relationships Research

The Impact of Class-Level Variables on the Effectiveness of a Middle School Social and Emotional Learning Program: A Multilevel Analysis 
2017 | Journal of Relationships Research

Class-level risk factors for bullying and victimization in Portuguese middle schools 
2017 | School Psychology International

Positive Transition to Middle School: A Multilevel Model Analysis of a Portuguese School Adjustment Program 
2017 | Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions

The Impact of secundary transition on self-concept and self-esteem
2016 | Revista de Psicodidática, 22 (2)

Stress in Portuguese Middle School Transition: A Multilevel Analysis
2016 | The strongish Journal of Pyscology, 19

The effectiveness of a Portuguese Elementary School Social and Emotional Learning Program
2016 | Journal of Primary Prevention

Social and Emotional Competencies Evaluation Questionnaire - Teacher's Version: Validation of a Short Form
2016 | Pyschological Reports

Promoting a Postive Middle School Transition: A Randomized-Controlled Treament Study Examinig Self-Concept and Self-Esteem
2016 | Journal of Youth and Adolescence

Programas de intervenção para o desenvolvimento de competências socioemocionais em idade escolar: Uma revisão crítica dos enquadramentos SEL e SEAL
2016 | Análise Psicológica

Comparing Two Low Middle School Social and Emotional Learming Program Formats: A Multilelevel Effectiveness Study
2016 | Journal of Youth and Adolescence

Positive Attitude Program's Impact upon Self-Concept across Childhood and Adolescence
2016 | Revista de Psicodidática

Bullying and cyberbulling in Portugal: Validation of the questionnaire and analysis of prevalence
2016 | School Psychology International

The impact of a Portuguese middle school Social-emotional Learning Program
2015 | Health Promotion International

"Positive Attitude ": A multilevel model analysis of the effectiveness of a Social and Emotional Learning Program for and learning Program for Portuguese middle school students
2015 | Journal of Adolescence

Development and Validation of the Social and Emotional Competencies e Evaluation Questionnaire
2015 | Journal of Education and Developmental Psychology

Validação do Questionário Autoconceito Forma 5 numa amostra de crianças e adolescentes Portugueses
2015 | International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology

"Atitude Positiva ": 10 anos de desnvolvimento de competências socioemocionais no 1º, 2º e 3º ciclo
2014 | Actas do 2º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (2014)

Desenvolvimento e validação do Questionário de Avaliação de Competências Socioemocionais versão de professores
2014 | International Journal of Developmental ande Educational Psychology

O impacto de um programa escolar de aprendizagem socioemocional sobre o autoconceito de alunos de 3ºciclo
2014 | Revista de Psicodidática

Project "Positive Attitude ": Promoting school success through social and emotional abilities development. Design for elementary and middle school students, in Portugal
2011 | Interamerican Journal of Psychology


Conferência da National Association of School Psychologists
Chicago, 2018

Conferência da International School Psychology Association (ISPA)
Tóquio, 2018
Manchester, 2017 (39ª Conferência)
Amesterdão, 2016 
São Paulo, 2015 
Kaunas, Lituânia, 2014 
Porto, 2013 (Recolheu convites para parcerias internacionais)
Dublin, 2010
Utrecht, 2008

Congresso Europeu de Psicologia organizado pela EFPA (European Federation Psychologists Associations)
- Praga, 2007
- Oslo, 2009
- Istambuk, 2011
- Estocolmo, 2013

IX Congresso IberoAmericano de Psicologia | II Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses
Lisboa, 2014

Conferência da European Network of Social and Emotional Competences
Lisboa, 2015

European Congress of Psychology
Milão, 2015

Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses
Braga, 2018
Porto, 2016


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Bastonário da Ordem dos Psicólogos e V

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11/06/13 00:00

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